Wednesday 24 August 2011



            Spiritual healing is a heading that embodies numerous methods of working in this area of so-called spiritual healing. Nevertheless, all of these several ways have their part to play in true spiritual healing although no one of these methods is in itself complete. For instance:
            ‘Magnetic’ healing in which the healer combs away diseased matter that has collected in the patient’s aura, and is thereby preventing the vital flow in their etheric body. Energy from the etheric body of the healer is then used to replenish that of the depleted patient. This type of healing can bring about very rapid improvement, but it is unlikely to have lasting success if the cause at the deeper soul level has not been cured as well.
            Mental or Hypnotic healing in which the healer makes powerful use of suggestion, putting into the mind of the patient positive thoughts of health and well-being, which in turn affect a positive change in their physical conditions. This type of treatment requires a healer with a powerfully positive mind, and can prove very effective, but not all patients can respond to this form of treatment.
            Faith healing which works through the patient’s faith in God and the prayers of the healer. Faith in God is important, but true spiritual healing is much more than this, being able to benefit people who apparently have no faith. The magic of the spiritual power generated in true spiritual healing can transform the most unbelieving heart, and possesses the ability to truly work miracles providing that these are within God’s will, or within the karma of the patient.
            All the methods outlined above differ from what the White Eagle Lodge terms true spiritual healing, although as we have said, all play some part in it.
            The spirit is the Christ Light in the inmost centre of our being; it is the spark of God within the heart of each person. Through the creative power of this Christ Light we are able both to heal and to be healed. The healer learns how to attune their whole being to this light within themselves, so that they become a pure channel for the healing.
             "In true spiritual healing the healer is trained to open his heart to the Christ Light, the Christ healing power, and to co-operate consciously with the healing Brotherhood in the world of spirit. He puts aside all the lower personal self to become a clear and positive channel through which the Christ Light pours into the soul of the patient, awakening the higher self and giving it strength to take command, as Jesus did, when he said ‘Lazarus, come forth’.
            The method of healing practised at the White Eagle Lodge comes into this latter category. It is a unique and powerful method involving co-operation with the angels of healing. The angels work with the healers to direct the healing in the form of colour rays which bring to the patient's soul the qualities it needs. They strengthen his spirit which then works gradually to bring all the bodies into harmony and health. These rays are projected to the patients through the soul power of the healers and the magical assistance of the angels, without which the healing could not take place. The following colours are used:
  1. Red, from the deepest to the very palest tone.
  2. Gold, from palest sunlight to rich deep orange.
  3. Green, especially a bright fresh spring green and also a golden green, like sunlight through the green leaves of spring.
  4. Blue, from palest sky blue to rich delphinium or madonna blue.
  5. Violet, ranging from palest amethyst to the colour of deep rich violets.
  6. The pearl or Christ Light ray - in which are contained all the other colours.
            These colours, seen clairvoyantly, are bright and translucent, like sunlight shining through a very beautiful stained glass window. Each colour brings a particular quality to fill some lack in the soul, and is chosen accordingly. They are usually directed to the psychic centres in the etheric body which through the ductless glands and nerve centres are linked with different physical organs." 

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