Wednesday 24 August 2011


 S I M P L E   M E D I T A T I O N   F O R   T H E   E X P A N S I O N
A N D   C O N T R A C T I O N   O F   T H E   E N E R G Y

Lie on a bed or on the floor for minimum 10 minutes. Close your eyes, and visualize firmly and clearly the "growth" of your energetic body. Make it grow more and more, perceiving the cosmic beneficial energy that allows its growth.

Continue to expand your aura until you have reached the ceiling of your room, or the sky above, in case you are outdoors.

Get used to this sensation gradually, performing this exercise for two-three days in a row before clearly and definitely begin to notice its effects: a vitalizing, euphoric sensation, as well as a state of inner peace.

Further on, visualize your aura growing even more, beyond the room. Thus your aura may become as large as the place you live in. Expand your aura even more, as much as you can.

The limits do not exist. You may even feel your aura is as big as your town or the whole planet or even the solar system. Expand your aura until you feel you have the whole universe inside of you.

Perform this expansion technique for seven days, and then repeat it reversed (contraction) for another seven days.

Lie in bed or on the floor, just as mentioned before. Perceive your body and then begin the contraction stage as follows:

Imagine your body becoming small, until it is the size of an atom, and further more, until this atom ends up dissolving into something unique and eternal that resides within you.

At the end of the seven days of practicing this technique, you will realize that you can become so small from a subtle point of view, that you almost cannot "locate" yourselves.

Through this experiences, you will realize as well that through the expansion stage you can become as infinite as the universe, and through the contraction you cam become as small and invisible as an atom.

Therefore, perform these exercises for seven days in a row, just as described above.

Among the beneficial effects you will notice in just ten-fifteen minutes of daily practice for two weeks are: state of inner harmony, plenitude and happiness, balance, and in the advanced stages, the practitioner may even attain samadhi.


I N V I T A T I O N   T O   P R A C T I C E   Y O G A

It's not necessary to use complex electronic devices in order to know yourself. Tantric meditation techniques can help very much the ones who tries to establish an energetic harmony within and around him.

The ASANAS (body positions), the ethical and moral code of YOGA, the relaxation and meditation methods, the concentration techniques on YANTRAS (certain symbolic geometrical diagrams), the breathing control techniques, all under the careful surveillance of a competent Tantric master can help us find and eliminate the anxiety, to enhance our power of concentration, to amplify our intelligence, to evolve spiritually, to really know ourselves and to open up our beings to new existence dimensions.

Everybody can choose a meditation or a concentration technique that suits him with the help of his spiritual guide. He can turn into better, to really find himself. By practicing YOGA techniques anyone can see amazing benefic transformations. Here and now you can touch perfection.

The message of a Tantric master to his disciples:
"Let's tear down the wall that separates us from the Light, let aside our prejudices, rigidity, selfishness and ignorance...Let's try to learn to really live, to love and to be happy...Let's regain the candor and purity of our childhood, to be better, more altruist and wiser... Let us be on the same side of the Macrocosmic Harmony, to resonate with the energies of good, beauty and truth. Let's try to find the Ultimate Truth, to complete ourselves, to be springs of divine energy."

The effects of Tantric practice:
The one who practices TANTRA YOGA will easily suffer a transformation for better from all points of view. To be more precise, we can say that the persevering Tantric adept amplifies his vitality and increases his will power. He also integrates himself better in the society and at his work place.

His feelings of affection are profoundly harmonized by the touch of the powers of love. Intuition and purity are a lot deeper. The mind becomes calmer and calmer and more focused and spiritually, he opens up to the Divine Life.

An author talks about the effects of the Yogi Tantric meditation:
"Meditation helps us relax, become a genius, have exceptional spiritual states and even touch perfection. The ones who practice meditation do not go further from this world. On the contrary, they become wiser and can thus understand the others better, feel compassion to those who are in pain, be stronger and of more help to the others."(Robert Jungle, PARI SUR L"HOMME)

The efficiency secret in Tantra Yoga:
Generally speaking the secret of meditation and of yoga practice is the subtle energetic RESONANCE. By focusing on the mental level, the practitioner manages to initiate and amplify gradually RESONANCE processes between his own system called the MICROCOSM and the exterior, the MACROCOSM.

There are numerous benefic energies in the macrocosm. Here are some examples: the vital energies and erotic energies, the universal love, the purity energies, the harmonious energies of beauty, who modulate Nature permanently, the energetic sphere of macrocosmic mental and even the supreme energies of the Divine Transcendence.

A meditation becomes a journey in these invisible spheres but which are not less real than the physical world we live in. With each meditation we increase our benefic sphere of energy and become, in time, real gods out of common people.


BECOMING AWARE is the key to success in Tantra and in Yoga.
BECOMING AWARE is a direct relationship between the SELF and the surrounding world; we might say that becoming aware is an excellent exercise to reveal the reality.

Thus you will try to start by "Becoming aware of how less conscious we really are." We have to remind you that humans use a small percentage of their brain, less than 20%. The rest is part of that latent potential that is a mystery to the scientists.

The UNITY already exist in us and outside but we are not aware of it - it is a state of fusion with the supreme reality - this state, far from being a "NON - BEING", it represents our essence as human being.

Yet we are captivated by the exterior differences, the numerous details and distinctions of the exterior world. Even mentally the permanent verbalization of everything we perceive or live is a bastion of DIFFERENTIATING and DIVIDING our conscience.

Many persons want to learn this TANTRA of BECOMING AWARE but in reality all they do is behaving with negligence, lack of attention and selfishness and ask for special results in Tantra because they consider that these belong to them without taking into account that everything is to be gained gradually.

You have to prove to be OPEN MINDED and PATIENT in order to learn from each situation. Becoming aware is the key phenomenon in all Tantric practices and only by learning this important lesson you will have the success you wanted and can stop wasting time and energy uselessly.

Any spiritual technique is efficient only if there is also the exercise of becoming aware. The wanted results will be achieved faster if the process of becoming aware is complete and takes place fast.

HOW do you BECOME AWARE in yoga training?
Practically, becoming aware means to be opened to the mental, subtle and sensorial perceptions, to the ineffable and delicate state that might appear during spiritual practice or in the day-by-day life. Not being aware is like an animal or a rock - "even if fish live in the Ganges River, they are not automatically saved by the holy river."

WHEN do you BECOME AWARE in yoga training?
Each time you practice the Asanas and meditate, in the end, try to be aware of the physical and subtle effects for 2-3 minutes. More, during the complete relaxation (the essential step in HATHA YOGA) you will become aware of your entire physical body, muscle groups. In your day-by-day life you should be always aware of everything that appears. It is a proof of high spiritual evolution.

Finally the most important act of becoming aware is that of BEING AWARE OF WHO BECOMES AWARE - it is a DETACHED WITNESS, a conscience centered on itself, in a divine ecstasy. For those who reached success in Tantra and become spiritually free, there is only one more thing to accomplish: to be divinely aware of the manifested world, both the close and the further one.

Tantra says that God is the Supreme Conscience (CHIT) and the Ecstatic Energy (ANANDA), both together outside time and space. That is why BECOMING AWARE plays in the Tantric practices, sexual and meditative a fundamental role.

We end by advising you to BE PERMANENTLY VERY MUCH AWARE.



1. By holiness in life, guard the precious Gem of gems.
Aum Tat Sat Aum!
I am thou, thou art I! – Parts of the Divine Self.
Life thunders – be watchful. 
Danger! The soul hearkens to its warning!
The world is in turmoil – strive for salvation.
Life nourishes the soul.
Strive for the life glorified,
          And for the realisation of purity.
Put aside all prejudices – think freely.
Be not downcast but full of hope.
Flee not from life, but walk the path of salvation.  
One Temple for all – for all, One God.
Manifold worlds dwell in the Abode of the Almighty,
And the Holy Spirit soars throughout.
The Renovation of the World will come –
          The prophecies will be fulfilled.
People will arise and build a New Temple.
from the Agni Yoga teachings Book 1 LEAVES of MORYA'S GARDEN  "The Call" 1924  
by kind permission of the Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York.

Agni is the ancient god of Fire, as mentioned in the Indian RigVedas. Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is not a path of physical disciplines, meditation or asceticism - but rather of practice in daily life. This Yoga of Fire aligns itself with fiery energy, with consciousness and with responsible directed thought. This fire was called Agni, meaning the inner guide (agra-ni). Nicholas Roerich dedicated his life to Beauty which is a kind of Fire attracting us towards the Cosmic Magnet - the Cosmic Heart. Helena Roerich, wife of Nicholas Roerich, brought through the Agni Yoga teachings from what is believed to be the Mahatma M (or Master Morya the Dhyani Chohan of the First Ray) or else another Master from His ashram. For many years there were twelve volumes which are intended to be read in the order in which they were dictated to Madame Roerich. This order can be seen to follow that of the Zodiac. However, more recently, many years after her passing, there has arisen a few more volumes titled Supermundane (Volumes 1, 2, 3, & 4 ). Agni Yoga is a synthesis of ancient Eastern wisdom whilst also embracing modern Western thought and developments in science. It is written that the Roerich's met their Master in London between 1918-1920 whilst Nicholas Roerich began to receive thought transmissions from M.M. in the March of 1920 and this work was then carried on by Madame Roerich resulting in the first of the Agni Yoga books (LEAVES of MORYA'S GARDEN), which was originally published in 1924. There are more teachings held at the Roerich Museum New York with whom the decision to publish resides.  The Agni Yoga Society, founded by Nicholas and Helena Roerich in 1920, is also found at this same Museum and whilst it doesn't hold any formal kind of organised studies or courses, it does encourage correspondence regarding the subject of Agni Yoga.

Thou, oh Agni, shining forth throughout the days, from the waters, from the stones, from the forests and from the herbs, thou as the ruler of all human souls, are ever born pure.

                            Rishi Gritsamada RV II.1.1

from the painting Agni Yoga by Nicholas Roerich
By kind permission of the Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York.


Agni Yoga, or the yoga of fire, is an all-embracing yoga that prepares the personality for the expression of the divine fire which is the spiritual essence of Man. In writing about Agni, Roerich says: 

"In the cults of Zoroaster there is represented the chalice with a flame. The same flaming chalice is engraved upon the ancient Hebrew shekels of the time of Solomon and of an even remoter antiquity, in the Hindu excavations of the periods of Chandragupta Maurya, we observe the same powerfully stylised image; the Bodhisattvas are holding the chalice blossoming with tongues of flame. One may also remember the Druid Chalice of Life. A flame, too, was the Holy Grail. Not in imagination; verily by deeds are being interwoven the great teachings of all ages, the language of pure Fire!"

The Mahatma Morya was behind the teachings brought through by Madame Helena Blavatsky another Russian (alongside the Comte de St Germane [7th Ray], in the early days, and the Master Khoot Hoomi Lal Singh [2nd Ray] who was the Sage of Samos, Pythagoras, in a previous incarnation). These teachings became known as Theosophy (central to The Theosophical Society) and they concern themselves with those of the Trans-Himalayan occult brotherhood. This was otherwise known as the White Lodge or the Great White Brotherhood and is associated with Shambhala and the School of the Seven rays. In this School it is considered that, as the Great White Light can be broken up into the Seven colours of the Rainbow, so, too, there are Seven major paths to the Great White Light; that is to say that the White Light manifests in Seven different forms. As mentioned above, the Mahatma Morya is the Head of the First Ray. Another manifestation of the Second Ray Path was brought through by yet another woman: Alice Bailey who was the recipient of telepathic transmissions from the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul and founded the Lucis Trust which continues to assist those following the 2nd Ray. D.K., as he is called, is a Master specialising in the science of the Rays and even the Masters will consult with him upon the finer details of the subject.  

All preceding Yogas, given from the highest Sources, took as their basis a definite quality of life. And now, at the advent of the age of Maitreya there is needed a Yoga comprising the essence of the entire life, all-embracing, evading nought, . . .  You may suggest to Me a name for the Yoga of life. But the most precise name will be Agni Yoga. It is precisely the element of Fire which gives to this Yoga of self-sacrifice its name. ... Fire, as an all-binding element, manifests itself everywhere and thereby admits realisation of the subtlest energies. The fire will not lead away from life; it will act as a trustworthy guide into the far-off worlds.  (Agni Yoga, 158)

"May we abide in the favour of the universal Fire, for he is the ruler resplendent over all the worlds. Manifesting from us he perceives the entire universe. The universal Fire spreads himself through the Sun.

Present in Heaven, Agni is present on Earth. Present here he has entered into all the plants. The universal Fire by his sudden power is present everywhere. May he protect us by day and by night."

Rishi Kutsa, RV I.98.1-2

Flowers of Timur by Nicholas Roerich
courtesy of The Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York


Agni Yoga concerns itself with fire - actually with the Spiritual Fire of the Heart. This is also the Creative Fire of Spirit. The First Ray is the Ray of Action and hence another term for Agni Yoga is that of Living Ethics. We utilise our Will in all Action and so, too, this First Ray is associated with Will. In the early stages of unfoldment self-will predominates, with little or no concern for the suffering of others in the pursuit of the fulfilment of one's own will. For this reason Agni Yoga is also a blend of Karma Yoga (Action performed for its own sake with no attachment to the fruits of the action), Bhakti Yoga (the Way of the Heart, of the Devotee along the Fiery Path of Love for the Beloved), and also Raja Yoga (the Yoga of Meditation leading to Samadhi - ecstatic union with the Divine). The pan-Yoga nature of Agni Yoga is rooted in the Teaching of Kalachakra (The Wheel of Time), a Teaching which constructively unites many domains of Spiritual Knowledge and is ascribed to the various Lords of Shambhala. Kalachakra is a Tantra found in Tibetan Buddhism and currently periodically offered to thousands of people by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. 

The Agni Yoga books themselves are collections of aphorisms. The only ones not so are by other authors: notably the two volumes of "Talk Does Not Cook the Rice" by Guru R.H.H. (a now deceased American disciple of Roerich's) and "Talks on Agni" by the now deceased Torkom Saraydarian who embraced both Agni Yoga and Alice Bailey teachings alongside his own insights garnered from his long spiritual life. The other notable exceptions are the two volumes of "Letters from Helena Roerich." Continuing the tradition established by Guru R.H.H. is Burt Wilson who has his own website devoted to the Ancient Wisdom teachings, as they are known, and an excellent book "The Third Theory". 

Agni Yoga by Nicholas Roerich. 
With kind permission Roerich Museum, New York

277. Amidst the life of everyday, seek the gleam of Light.
The growing concentration upon Blessed forces will strengthen the consciousness of those who knock.
The token of eternal life will penetrate the lowliest mind.
Dear shopkeepers, what profit to cheat yourselves?
Poor rulers, what beauty is there in erecting prisons for yourselves?
Cruel sages, have you no shame in violating your beliefs?
And you, children of the crowd, forget not that the star which gleams between the houses is not a lamp.
You dive, you fly, and hear.
But where is the pearl of your spirit?
Whither are you going?
You have lost your bearings and an unfriendly bough has pierced your wings.
Dust is harmful to the ears.
I speak as a physician. Yet are My remedies not complex and My trumpet will not deafen –
The growth of grass is more audible.
Heart, comprehend it.
Let tears bathe thy vessel.
from the Agni Yoga teachings Book 1 LEAVES of MORYA'S GARDEN  "The Call" 1924                                 
by kind permission of the Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York.

One of the earliest sections on Yoga in the Upanishads states, "First yogically controlling the mind and extending the power of intelligence, discerning the light of the fire from the Earth, the solar Creator carried it upwards." (Svetasvatara Upanishad 11.1)


The Theosophical Society is a blend of the First and Second Ray because of the two main Masters behind its formation in 1875. The Second Ray is known as that of Love-Wisdom. Many creative artists became followers of the Theosophical teachings at the turn of the 20th century - especially in Europe. Lifetime adherents were Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky and Johannes Itten (of Bauhaus fame) to name but three. In music, one can find the Russian Alexandr Skryabin, the Frenchman Dane Rudhyar, the Dane Ruud Languaard, and the Englishman Cyril Scott.  

The Theosophical clairvoyants, and eventual leaders of the Theosophical Society, C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant in 1908 released a book titled Thought Forms in which certain thoughts and emotions were depicted either as colours or as specific coloured shapes upon the inner realms. This sparked the imaginations of many artists whilst the Theosophical teaching regarding the seven bodies of man likewise instigated a move into abstract art as a means of assisting humanity to awaken their Higher Mind (that area of the mind not confined within the limitations of Form). Another leading light in the spiritual dimensions of art was Rudolph Steiner who became the head of the German Branch of the Theosophical Society before eventually having a falling-out with the Society (especially C.W.Leadbeater and Annie Besant) over Krishnamurti and thence forming his own society known as the Anthroposophical Society.  Steiner lectured upon the arts and characterised his movement as "spiritual science" appealing to the intellectual and more rational persons interested in the occult, in Germany and Europe, at the beginning of the twentieth century. 




            Spiritual healing is a heading that embodies numerous methods of working in this area of so-called spiritual healing. Nevertheless, all of these several ways have their part to play in true spiritual healing although no one of these methods is in itself complete. For instance:
            ‘Magnetic’ healing in which the healer combs away diseased matter that has collected in the patient’s aura, and is thereby preventing the vital flow in their etheric body. Energy from the etheric body of the healer is then used to replenish that of the depleted patient. This type of healing can bring about very rapid improvement, but it is unlikely to have lasting success if the cause at the deeper soul level has not been cured as well.
            Mental or Hypnotic healing in which the healer makes powerful use of suggestion, putting into the mind of the patient positive thoughts of health and well-being, which in turn affect a positive change in their physical conditions. This type of treatment requires a healer with a powerfully positive mind, and can prove very effective, but not all patients can respond to this form of treatment.
            Faith healing which works through the patient’s faith in God and the prayers of the healer. Faith in God is important, but true spiritual healing is much more than this, being able to benefit people who apparently have no faith. The magic of the spiritual power generated in true spiritual healing can transform the most unbelieving heart, and possesses the ability to truly work miracles providing that these are within God’s will, or within the karma of the patient.
            All the methods outlined above differ from what the White Eagle Lodge terms true spiritual healing, although as we have said, all play some part in it.
            The spirit is the Christ Light in the inmost centre of our being; it is the spark of God within the heart of each person. Through the creative power of this Christ Light we are able both to heal and to be healed. The healer learns how to attune their whole being to this light within themselves, so that they become a pure channel for the healing.
             "In true spiritual healing the healer is trained to open his heart to the Christ Light, the Christ healing power, and to co-operate consciously with the healing Brotherhood in the world of spirit. He puts aside all the lower personal self to become a clear and positive channel through which the Christ Light pours into the soul of the patient, awakening the higher self and giving it strength to take command, as Jesus did, when he said ‘Lazarus, come forth’.
            The method of healing practised at the White Eagle Lodge comes into this latter category. It is a unique and powerful method involving co-operation with the angels of healing. The angels work with the healers to direct the healing in the form of colour rays which bring to the patient's soul the qualities it needs. They strengthen his spirit which then works gradually to bring all the bodies into harmony and health. These rays are projected to the patients through the soul power of the healers and the magical assistance of the angels, without which the healing could not take place. The following colours are used:
  1. Red, from the deepest to the very palest tone.
  2. Gold, from palest sunlight to rich deep orange.
  3. Green, especially a bright fresh spring green and also a golden green, like sunlight through the green leaves of spring.
  4. Blue, from palest sky blue to rich delphinium or madonna blue.
  5. Violet, ranging from palest amethyst to the colour of deep rich violets.
  6. The pearl or Christ Light ray - in which are contained all the other colours.
            These colours, seen clairvoyantly, are bright and translucent, like sunlight shining through a very beautiful stained glass window. Each colour brings a particular quality to fill some lack in the soul, and is chosen accordingly. They are usually directed to the psychic centres in the etheric body which through the ductless glands and nerve centres are linked with different physical organs." 

The Secret of karmic override

Divine Will Overrides
Right and Wrong.

In conversation and through e-mails the question came up--'Was it Divine Will that Krishna chose to side with the Pandavas, no matter if they were in the right or the wrong?'
  • This implies that the Divine can side with us and support us even though we may be so-called 'wrong'. If so, then, what is the sanctity of the right and wrong of anything? And more importantly, what is the support that the Divine gives us in such a state?
The Secret of karmic override
We can attempt an understanding of Divine Will by looking at how the Pandava brothers conducted themselves. Arjun and his brothers chose to follow the will of Krishna, who is the Divine Himself, even though they wanted to do things differently and there were many pressures on them. They did this out of a feeling of love, trust and friendship for Krishna.
However, the Pandavas final success lay in following a key secret instruction of Krishna's given to Arjun on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. This secret instruction works today as well to give the same success.
  • The secret is a simple one: to become interactively connected to, and be aware of, the Divine and consequently merge one's will in Divine Will for all actions. In the course of normal living there is no such automatic empowered connection to enable a highly meaningful relationship with the Divine.
    By special empowering processes such as initiation into the KQ Force and Reiki, the healing energy of the Divine Will flows into one's consciousness and actions to change our balance of karma, even when we may be 'wrong'. This allow us to benefit from Krishna's Divine association similar to the way Arjun and the Pandavas benefited and with the same end-result.
  • When one becomes empowered and thus conscious of the Divine Will flowing through one's life, then the imprisoning, binding karmas of all types are overcome by that Grace. On the other hand, if one acts driven by false ego then one is surely lost because the capacity to hear the Divine is lost.
Aligning ourselves with Divine Will does not mean that we are enslaved, but rather that we are sensitive to knowing what to do in harmony with the natural Divine purpose in our lives. By being in our true natural state we are whole and complete--healed.
Krishna makes this clear in His healing instructions to Arjun on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. In the 18th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita He significantly uses the word 'durgani' (fortress or prison house) for karma that exists in the jurisdiction of Devi (Durga-Devi) that binds us to repeated birth-death cycles. This is a state of perpetual imprisonment.
We can study Krishna's defining instructions on how to be liberated from these repeated cycles of birth, death and old age in this Devi Dhaam as recorded in the Bhagavad Gita (18.66).
TEXT BG 18.66

sarva-dharmān parityajya
mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo
mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ


sarva-dharmān—all varieties and levels of occupational duties and religious activities; parityajya—give up by renouncing; mām—unto Me; ekam—only; śaraṇam—take shelter of; vraja—go; aham—I; tvām—you; sarva—all; pāpebhyaḥ—from fear of sinful reactions; mokṣayiṣyāmi—deliver; —not; śucaḥ—grieve.
First, Krishna says to Arjun: 'sarva-dharmān parityajya, mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja' -- Give up all varieties and levels of occupational duties and religious activities (dharma), and take shelter of Me exclusively.
He says this because there are many levels of dharma varying from individual personal duties, to duties aimed at salvation from material pains, and to the ultimate highest duty towards oneself and our source of origin--the Supreme Divine.
Changing bodies and changing designations
What we consider as being our duties arise out of bodily designations and our occupations. These include considerations of place of birth, family, community, faith and religion, personal occupation, country and so on.
One can change one's name, citizenship, living place, religion, faith, politics, and now with surgery one can even artificially change the bodily form's sexuality as well. As we age in time our bodily cellular structure also changes.
We can also change how we choose to act in relationship to others and we regularly re-define how we perform our 'duties' to others. We also regularly re-assess and respond to how others fulfill their duties towards us.
Among all the changes in our bodily designations and occupational duties there is, however, a constant factor.
  • We can understand this constant factor from personal experience: that is--that even while the body changes at the cellular level daily, our sense of personal identification remains unchanged. In other words we experience a continuity of our personal identification even though our bodily designations and parts or cells may change.
  • Our unchanged consciousness of personal self, or the I-consciousness continues even in changing bodies in this lifetime and there is no evidence to suggest that this process stops once the material body fails or dies. Scientific proof for this 'reincarnation' process is here.
Highest Dharma
As the personal self is unchanging, having the quality of immortality, the highest occupational duty is to determine what is the natural function and state of the personal self, and to align with this harmoniously.
We can see that we are dependent on the elements and world around us for our life and sustenance. At the same time we have the unchanging nature within us that is very different from the changing elements that surround it. We may rightly refer to this immortal nature as 'divine' because it shares the quality of immortality with that of the greater Supreme Divine.
As long as we are not in harmony or balance with this constant superior nature, we are subject to the false ego's illusion, mistakes and being bound up in reactionary consequences of our actions--karma, that make up our never-ending story of repeated incarnations.
  • Attaining to a state of balance and harmony with the Supreme Divine is therefore our highest constant occupational duty (dharma) and nature--no matter what bodily state we may be in. For this Krishna gives the method.
The eternal guarantee
After having taken shelter of Krishna, we are assured --'ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ'. This is the guarantee of the Divine Himself who says, 'Give up all varieties of dharma, be conscious of Me, take shelter of Me and My energies and I will personally release you from all the fearful binding reactions of your karma--good or bad, pleasurable or painful.' The term 'sarva-pāpebhyo', all fear-inducing sinful actions, includes the good and the bad because ultimately all such karmic reactions create the rebirth cycle situation which is a painful and troublesome condition.
Krishna says to Arjun--'mā śucaḥ--do not grieve for your debt of karmic consequences, no matter how sinful, and your material existence. You have journeyed endlessly through the material universe, where you have taken up and discarded many different bodily machines in your travels. I am with you and will help you to get through your karmic experiences. I will arrange it so that you never have to return to this material existence to undergo further fearful cycles of birth and death and related sufferings. This journey is now nearing an end--this is my promise to you who have taken shelter of me, you who are a very dear to me and to whom I am a true friend.'
  • These promises apply to all those who follow the path of the Panadavas, who were true survivors despite all the overwhelming difficulties and misfortune they faced. Today, one can similarly associate with the Supreme Divine directly by accepting the Divine healing energies of the KQ Force and Reiki. These are essential universal Divine energies that are free from any religious or cultist designations.
  • The unique karma-changing results experienced by the healers who are initiated with these empowerments are not experienced by any other methods of karmic liberation/self-development. The Karma Quotient Force (KQ Force) healing energy dissolves binding karma at an extremely high pace. It does not require one to subscribe to any religious faith or belief and is not limited to any country or people. It is applicable to all as it free from all limiting designations of the body. It is the highest form of healing one's life.
End of Binding Karma by Divine Will
  • So, whether we are 'right' or 'wrong'--the karma (action) binds us to future consequences, and in turn those results lead us to more binding actions. Action-reaction goes on endlessly. The right and wrong give us desirable-undesirable, pleasurable-painful results--but both results bind us to receiving future consequences. (Go here for a dictionary of definitions.)This generates the endless karmic debt that can never be balanced ordinarily and requires our constant rebirth in the material universe. This is endless travel in higher or lower bodily forms. It is a condition that creates deep anxiety and fear.
  • The equation only changes through the karmic healing methods involving Divine Will that can overturn and write off any amount of karmic bad debts. This consciousness and change in destiny is possible through the KQ Force.
  • As only Krishna Himself can award this type of permanent liberation and freedom for all fears, we can understand that the source of the KQ Force is Krishna Himself.

To Heal You ,Your Home, Your Workplace

Camphor Purity Yantra
To Heal You ,Your Home, Your Workplace

Back to 'Day 1: 2.Clean Up ' from Camphor Purity Yantra"

Camphor purity yantraThe patented Camphor Purity Yantra™ Celebrates 10 Years of Healing Success!
 this device got an enthusiastic response from visitors: "Where can I get one of these?"
When informed that it was a one-of device, they would ask, "can you make one for me please?" Besieged by repeated "me too" demands for the Yantra, he started making the devices for patients and visitors.
To deal with the increasing demand for the Camphor Purity Yantra™, in 1998 Nalin formed the Star Light Company in partnership with his wife Renoo to manufacture the yantra.
 designed and made hundreds of different types of healing devices with a view to addressing and rectifying life-situation issues by the use of these devices through which they channel special healing and empowerment energies.
Some imitations of their devices appear in the marketplace from time to time, but these copy-cats fail to perform, create a negative energies and naturally, they soon disappear!

 After years of self-preparation,  they have been working globally to initiate, connect and empower people with karmic healing energies.
To this end they conduct their unique "KQ Force" karmic empowerment seminars, where they initiate individuals with specialized empowerments for improving their condition in all areas of life and living.
The Yantra at Work
You can see the patented Camphor Purity Yantra™ removing negative and ill-health energies from the environment. The 'beehive' accumulation is not a normal result of the flame as one might think. It is the result of capturing negative astral energies. The same flame will sometimes result in this beehive structure and on other days there will not be even a spot of residue (See guidelines given below).
The brass dish at the top holds purifying camphor, while the bottom copper vessel holds and burns oil (sesame, mustard, sunflower).
The spiral wick-holder has been adjusted in height to keep the flame at optimum level below the camphor. If needed, the wick and flame height is adjusted by increasing/decreasing the working flame height by adjusting the height of the spiral wick holder so that the flame is just below the top camphor containing receptacle.
Use the Yantra twice a day--morning and evening, for a few hours or until the oil finishes in the lower container (3 to 4 hours).
Please ensure that no flammable materials are in the vicinity of the working Camphor Purity Yantra™. For heavy negative energy discharge areas such as in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, healing centers, offices, factories, the yantra can be used for longer periods of time.
  1. Where there is a lot of negative depression or stress energy in the atmosphere, the special design of the device captures and burns it. This can be seen as an accumulation of black carbonized material that grows below the camphor receptacle in a typical 'beehive' type of structure.
  2. As the atmosphere in the area purifies (over a few days), you will find the beehive structure appears infrequently, even if the flame is very close to the camphor receptacle. This is evidence that the beehive does not grow because of incomplete combustion as one may be led to think!
  3. The 'beehive' structure will appear from time to time depending on the environmental energy condition. Where there is a major accumulation of negative mental-emotional energy, the odor of evaporating camphor is significantly reduced or even absent.
  4. As the atmosphere cleans up, a strong camphor smell returns. You will experience this feedback through the specially empowered Camphor Purity Yantra™ and the 'Soul Soothers' purpose-formulated camphor included in your package.
  5. Avoid touching the black carbonized residue directly. After removing any usable camphor from the receptacle and reserving for future use, wash the receptacle in running water and clean with a good detergent. Dry off and use as before.
  6. We recommend the use of pure natural medicinal grade camphor--not what is commonly available in the market. (We also supply the appropriate 'Soul Soothers' camphor grade separately.) Cheaper, petroleum derived camphoraceous substances or pine oil extracts etc do not have the desired effects.
One or two devices are generally adequate to purify about 2000 (about 180 sq. m.) of area on one floor level at home. For offices/hospitals/nursing homes/ICU'S, 3-4 devices per floor area of upto 2000 sq. feet(180 sq.m.) are recommended.The Camphor Purity Yantra™ comes complete with special spiral wick-holder, spare wicks, and Star Light's purpose-formulated "Soul Soothers" camphor. Please ensure that no flammable materials are in the vicinity of the working Camphor Purity Yantra™.
The Camphor Purity Yantra™ and other Star Light healing devices do not purport to replace appropriate health measures and therapies, nor do they replace any other prudent remedial measures meant for the individual's benefit.

Karma Healing


Karma Healing 


  1. Think of your problem and request for healing for your problem/issue from the Healing Master Suresh at the times scheduled.
    • Visualize or connect with the purple light flowing from the Master Suresh to you to remove the blocks in the path of your goals.Intend that your chakras are spinning in harmony with the chakras of the Masters and you are receiving karma changing energies.
    • Especially request that you have the wisdom to act in a way to be in harmony with the work the healing energies are doing.
    • This is very important: If you continue to act as you have been doing earlier in the situation, you will usually not be able to maximize results.
    • In the past, acting in a particular way has been getting you a specific result, and in order to get a different result, almost always you would have to act differently. The healing energies will guide you how to better your life with messages for you in your daily life. Just be open to receiving.
    • Connect with beautiful green-gold energies that give you the wisdom and empowerment to act for your betterment. These activate your third-eye chakra just above the root of your nose, between your eyebrows and also the chakras at your temples.
    • Connect with the brilliant golden light reaching you from the Masters Nirula and entering your aura body and physical body to heal and change your health in every way--physical, material, spiritual, karmic, financial and so on.
    • In your mind think of the result you want and affirm that this result has appeared in your life. You may visualize this happening, step-by-step, if you wish.
    • Connect with the healing rays from the Masters--The purple light is removing the blocks in your way, while the golden empowers you and changes your karma through the grace of the Masters. A blue light descends from the Masters' crown chakra to your crown chakra and down to the kundalini and root chakras.
      The green-gold rays give you wisdom for your material and spiritual benefit. The blue light expands your material and spiritual karmic wealth.
      Experience this for yourself and know it to be true.
    • Take your time to be comfortable with this process of shifting with the new energies this karma-changing healing brings.
    • When you are satisfied with the process you can conclude by mentally expressing your gratitude and thanks to the healing Master Suresh and their karma healing help team, and the Karmic Healing Foundation.